Shape Matching and Registration by Data-Driven EM
Zhuowen Tu, Songfeng Zheng, and Alan Yuille
In this paper, we present an efficient and robust algorithm for shape matching, registration, and detection. The task is to geometrically transform a source shape to fit a target shape. The measure of similarity is defined in terms of the amount of transformation required. The shapes are represented by sparse-point or continuous-contour representations depending on the form of the data. We formulate the problem as probabilistic inference using a generative model and the EM algorithm. But this algorithm has problems with initialization and computing the E-step. To address these problems, we define a data-driven technique (discriminative model) which makes use of shape features. This gives a hybrid algorithm which combines the generative and discriminative models. The resulting algorithm is very fast, due to the effectiveness of shape-features for solving correspondence requiring only a few iterations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the algorithm by testing it on standard datasets, such as MPEG7, for shape matching and by applying it to a range of matching, registration, and foreground/background segmentation problems.