Analysis of Interstate Highway 5 Hourly Traffic via Functional Linear Models
Napat Buddhangkuranont
M.S., 2009
Advisor: Hongquan Xu
This analysis was conducted to analyze the traffic count on the Interstate Highway 5 (I-5) at three different locations in the North of Los Angeles. A functional data analysis was applied to the hourly data to identify the potentially similar traffic patterns among the days of the week and also to locate that on what day and at what hour have the most cars on the freeway. At various locations, the analysis
suggested that the traffic count seems to have different pattern. The analysis of the traffic count from the north bound of the 3 locations of the I-5 and the south bound of Smokey Bear seems to suggest that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday fairly have comparable pattern. While the analysis of the traffic count from the south of State Route 126 West and Wheeler Ridge suggest that only Tuesday and Wednesday seem to have similar traffic pattern. Moreover, Sunday seems to have the most vehicles count among days of the week. At 3pm seems to have the most congested traffic.
suggested that the traffic count seems to have different pattern. The analysis of the traffic count from the north bound of the 3 locations of the I-5 and the south bound of Smokey Bear seems to suggest that Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday fairly have comparable pattern. While the analysis of the traffic count from the south of State Route 126 West and Wheeler Ridge suggest that only Tuesday and Wednesday seem to have similar traffic pattern. Moreover, Sunday seems to have the most vehicles count among days of the week. At 3pm seems to have the most congested traffic.