Development of Statistical Online Computational Resources and Teaching Tools
Dushyanth Krishnamurthy
M.S., 2005
Advisor: Jan de Leeuw
The advent of technology has facilitated computer based techniques for statistical analysis of data. In addition, the Graphical User Interface (GUI) has enabled the development of highly interactive programs. Statistical Online Computational Resources (SOCR) is a hierarchy of portable online interactive software that can be accessed through the internet. It combines statistical data analysis tools with interactive demonstrations, simulations, and GUIs designed to supplement methodological training in statistics classes.
In this thesis we present three categories of tools that form part of the SOCR online repository. For fitting data to probability distribution models, the SOCR Modeler is employed. Features are provided for loading data, fitting various models, and checking the goodness of fit using visual and quantitative results. An example is provided to show the application of the Mixed Modeler tool to a medical imaging application.
Next, the SOCR Analysis tool provides an interface for performing statistical analysis of data. We present a general framework for the SOCR Analysis tool and study the implementation of Anova and Regression as specific types of analysis tools.
To improve the understanding of statistical concepts, SOCR Games provides a set of interactive software with illustrations. We present a demonstration of Fourier and wavelet transforms as part of the SOCR Games package. The effect of data compression can be explored visually for various wavelet transforms.